Fisika 1.lantai Seluas 20 m menahan beban sebesar 100.000 Newton tekanan yg di alami lantai adalah?2. Perhatikan gambar!Jika percepatan gravitasi bumi 10 m/s² dan Pair = 100 kg/ma = maka tekanan hidrostatis yg di alami ikan?3. Sebuah bejana di isi air kemudian di tuangkan minyak di kaki setinggi 20cm berapakah tinggi air terhadap garis setimbang jika Pair = 1 g/cm³tolong bgt yaa deadline nya besok:) syblekoeppulv – June 09, 2023
Matematika Quess.__________________________23x + 12xx = 10_________________________::vv syblekoeppulv – June 08, 2023
B. inggris put there is or there are in the sentences!! apple in the box.2.There....some books on the table.3.There....a bottle of wwater in the bag.4 There....some students in the yard.5.There....a girl undet the umbrella behind the chair.7.There....students in the classroom.8.There....a boy beside the chair.9.There....pens in my penalcase.10.There....some threes in front of the class. syblekoeppulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika Jarak sebenarnya kota P dan kota Q adalah 300 km jika skala pada sebuah peta adalah 1: 1.500.000, Jarak kedua kota pada peta tersebut adalah... A. 20 B. 19 C. 18 D. 17 Tolong bantu jawab ya makasihhhhh syblekoeppulv – June 07, 2023
B. Indonesia 11. Bacalah teks berikut! Tim Konservasi ASRI bekerja sama dengan pemerintah telah rutin melakukan reboisasi setiap tahunnya. Program reboisasi ini khususnya dilakukan di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Palung (TNGP), Kalimantan Barat. Pada tahun 2017, telah ditanam 18.899 bibit di lahan seluas 8 hektar. Sementara itu, di tahun 2018, ASRI menargetkan penanaman 70.000 bibit. Hal yang terjadi jika tidak dilakukan reboisasi adalah .... A. pohon-pohon tumbuh secara alami B. pemerintah mengalami kerugian dana C. hutan menjadi gundul dan dapat menimbulkan bencana D. Taman Nasional Gunung Palung menjadi tempat wisata yang menjanjikan tolong jawab kak pls........ syblekoeppulv – June 07, 2023
Penjaskes cara melakukan start renang gaya punggung yaitu berada di........ syblekoeppulv – June 07, 2023
B. Arab Pak Khalis sedang mengikuti tradisi Gudrengan. Tradisi tersebut dilakukan di Nusantara dengan tujuan...a. menentukan awal bulan ramadanb. memperingati perayaan maulid nabic. mengenang wafatnya cucu Rasulullah saw.d. merayakan kemenangan pada hari raya idul Fitri syblekoeppulv – June 06, 2023
PPKn Apakah kekerasan yang terjadi patut untuk dilakukan? Kemukakan alasan Anda! syblekoeppulv – June 06, 2023
Matematika Berikan macam macam rumus bangun datarNO NGASALNO BAHASA ALIENNO MAU AMBIL POINT AJA syblekoeppulv – June 06, 2023
Matematika 13. Perhatikan gambar berikut! 20 cm 15 cm Luas bangun tersebut adalah .. cm. a. 120 b. 200 c. 300 d. 350 syblekoeppulv – June 06, 2023
PPKn Cari tahu kepanjangan PPKI don BPUPKI, lalu tuliskan pada kotak berikut. pliiis jawab dong point gedee banget :)(: syblekoeppulv – June 05, 2023
B. inggris 15. The word "extremely is similar to Vokances Vakances are commonly found in the work. Vokanoes are mountains that hava wa wa inside them in this world, there are many kinds of volcanoes with different types of shape and explosion Volcanoes can be beneficial for the people living near them but abo destructive because of the explosion they do. In this world, there are four types of volcano. The first one is Cinder cones. Cinder cones volcanoes have cinder cones on top and its shape is similar to bowls. The second one is composite volcances. This kind of volcanoes is the most familiar one with the perfect cone shape. With its shape, it is possible for this mountain to be very high. The third one is shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes are formed after lava explodes and another explosion happens again repeatedly. In result, some layers of magma are formed and the area is called shield volcanoes. The last one is lava domes. Lava domes are formed as the result of slow pressure from far deep distance within the Earth. It causes the surface of the Earth to form a dome. Even though there are four types of volcanoes, all of them have deadly effects when they explode. The explosion can cause many living creatures to die because the volcanoes explode ash, stones, gases, and lava. The worst is lava. Lava is hot liquid fire from the earth. When it comes out, it is called magma. If lava meets the rain, it can cause cold lava flood. However, the explosion can also cause good effects for the people nearby. The ashes of volcanoes are good for agriculture and the stones are good for buildings A. A little bit B. Low C. Rapidly D. Super syblekoeppulv – June 05, 2023